When a business elects to accept credit cards for payment, one of the things that they have to consider is the processing method that they will use to take that payment. Here are some of the current options available for processing payments: |
present (e.g. a phone order), by manually entering the credit card number. |
Virtual Terminal
One of the features of a virtual terminal is that it can also be programmed to handle recurring transactions. If you want to charge your customer a consistent monthly / weekly amount – this can all be handled automatically by the virtual terminal. |
Mobile Devices
Internet Shopping Cart
Single Page Web PaymentsThis is a solution that allows your customers to make payments that come directly to you, but avoids having a shopping cart to maintain. These are particularly useful for one-time payments. For example, youth sports programs where the parents are paying registration fees and/or dues, retailers/service providers who simply put this web address on their invoices as a way for their customers to pay without issuing a check or property managers who collect rent via this solution. |
Integration With SoftwareMany businesses have systems that are specific to their type of business. Many of these software products have direct links to their merchant accounts through a gateway. I help businesses navigate the integration of their merchant account with their software system. |