The world of credit card processing (merchant accounts) is very confusing. It isn't easy to understand a statement or the fees that are on that statement. I have a degree in Finance, and it took me months to learn how to decipher them. With this website, I hope to help the average business owner make knowledgeable choices and find a merchant solution that is understandable and does what it needs to so that you can accept electronic payments. I want you to be able to navigate the merchant account world with the knowledge needed to avoid the many traps that unscrupulous companies set. I want you to stop hoping and praying that you’ve got a good merchant account solution and finally KNOW that you have a solution that is right for you. I want you to stop overpaying for your merchant account processing. I want you to have great customer service. I’m hoping that with my writing on this website, you’ll be able to be a very informed business owner regarding the payment industry.
What you can expect to find on this site:
It takes time to really dig in and understand the credit card world. Time that many business owners and decision makers just don't have. I've put in that time so you don't have to, and I'm going to do my best to make the information easy to understand. So, whether you need to decipher your current merchant account statement, or you are looking for a merchant solution for the first time, I want to help you to make informed decisions. If you ever have any questions, please feel free to write or call me. I’ll help in any way that I can.